Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting started

So here's the deal.  I've been wanting to start a blog/journal for a while now, but I'm basically lazy so I haven't.  But as I sit here alone in my kitchen, with the dogs lazing around me, the kid's clothes in the washer, and a Sunday stretched out before me with nothing to do until I pick said kid up from his asshat of a father, I thought to myself, "self, let's start that darn blog."  So here were are.

A bit about me to start (and I know I will be the only one to ever read this, but humor me here, okay?), I am a 42 year old divorced mother of one amazingly wonderful and talkative kindergartner. I have a wonderful career and am very blessed to have entered into a profession that has not been too hard hit by this recession.  I earn enough money to support my child and I, which is great since ass-hat doesn't pay child support.  I am surrounded by an amazing family and support group who all live within 20 minutes of us.

All of this makes my life sound so Nirvana-esque, doesn't it? But truth be told, I am miserable.  I am such a sad sack I'm amazed I get through each day.  And I have no reason to be this way, and because of that I can't figure out how to get out of this funk that has lasted now for years.  Lots and lots of years. Therapy doesn't help, drugs don't help.  So, I'm hoping that dumping my angst into the black hole of the internet will help me figure out what's wrong and get me back on the happy track to rainbows and butterflies.  Or at least to partly cloudy skies.

that's all for now.

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