Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Being female

This is the time of year when I get all test female out of the way.  Last week was the oh so fun PAP smear (came back clear, yay!), today was routine bloodwork and the ever enjoyable mammogram.  I am convinced they can find a way that doesn't involve smooshing one's breast into a pancake, but I know how important these things are, so I comply with a smile and a thank you to the tech.  Tomorrow I undergo my eye exam where I will be told (again) that I really need bi-focals, and this time I will probably comply.  I hate not being able to see well enough to watch tv with enjoyment or play wii with the kid.

What's your "favorite" annual exam?


  1. Nothing. LOL! I hate check ups. Usually a lose more weight, don't do this or that.

  2. Ugh. How about the dentist? I don't care if it's just a cleaning, I'd rather have a pap smear any day. Haha!

  3. oh, Steph, I loathe the dentist! I'd much rather have a pap. Good call :-)
